MI Academy Political Action Committee

We need your help!

The Michigan Academy Political Action Committee (PAC) is your voice to help elect candidates and re-elect legislators who understand and support dietitians’ interests. PAC contributions keep Michigan dietitians visible in Lansing and provide us a seat at the table to discuss issues that are important to you.

Time to give to your profession!

We need you to contribute! Our goal is to raise $10,000. If each member contributed $10, that would give us over $20,000, Please follow the directions below to make your contribution*

*Contributions cannot be reimbursed by employers and must be from your personal income. You cannot use a business or corporate credit card to make a PAC contribution, please use only personal credit cards. If your donation is greater than $100, your occupation, employer and work address are required. Contributions are not tax deductible

Make your PAC contribution

Frequently asked questions about PACs

The MI Academy uses all PAC money to support legislators and candidates who support our cause, which is to improve the nutrition status of Michigan residents. The MI Academy is non-partisan and gives to both parties.

Out lobbyist and legislative team make us aware of any legislations that is nutrition-related. This includes everything from childhood obesity legislation to protection of our professional scope of practice. Our number one concern is the health of Michigan residents.

The money is used to purchase tickets to legislator fundraising events and contribute to their campaigns. A typical fundraiser ticket in Lansing costs $250-$300 per person.

Academy PAC money is used for federal issues only. MI Academy PAC is used for issues here in our state. Both are important to your profession.